Broken assets:
Custom Assets: 538562227.Underground Train Station_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 564051384.2-Track Elevated Station_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 636218494.R-Metro Station +_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 636219074.R-Metro Station =I_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 636219783.Elevated R-Metro Station_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 691881788.Police headquarter/ Polizei_Data: Invalid dimensions (Max sizes: 16x8, 15x9, 14x11, 13x12, 12x13, 11x14, 9x15, 8x16)
Custom Assets: 735047669.Luxury Office with Shops_Data: Duplicate prefab name
Custom Assets: 744409286.Karstadt department store_Data: Invalid dimensions (Max sizes: 16x8, 15x9, 14x11, 13x12, 12x13, 11x14, 9x15, 8x16)
Custom Assets: 599401658.Ecological Purification System_Data: Water facility cannot have water consumption or sewage accumulation
Custom Assets: 756870924.Taichung MRT Station_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 561083754.Modern elevated 4 tracks station_Data: NetInfo missing
449409588.Space Needle_Data: LOD has too many vertices [BrokenAssetException]
No details
Witam, taki błąd wyświetla mi się gdy załaduje mi się mapa. Proszę o pomoc
i jeszcze taki zaraz po uruchomieniu
A Mod caused an error [ModException]
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'ColossalFramework.Steamworks.Achievement' from assembly 'ColossalManaged, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
at EntryData.GenerateData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Custom Assets: 538562227.Underground Train Station_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 564051384.2-Track Elevated Station_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 636218494.R-Metro Station +_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 636219074.R-Metro Station =I_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 636219783.Elevated R-Metro Station_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 691881788.Police headquarter/ Polizei_Data: Invalid dimensions (Max sizes: 16x8, 15x9, 14x11, 13x12, 12x13, 11x14, 9x15, 8x16)
Custom Assets: 735047669.Luxury Office with Shops_Data: Duplicate prefab name
Custom Assets: 744409286.Karstadt department store_Data: Invalid dimensions (Max sizes: 16x8, 15x9, 14x11, 13x12, 12x13, 11x14, 9x15, 8x16)
Custom Assets: 599401658.Ecological Purification System_Data: Water facility cannot have water consumption or sewage accumulation
Custom Assets: 756870924.Taichung MRT Station_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 561083754.Modern elevated 4 tracks station_Data: NetInfo missing
449409588.Space Needle_Data: LOD has too many vertices [BrokenAssetException]
No details
Witam, taki błąd wyświetla mi się gdy załaduje mi się mapa. Proszę o pomoc
i jeszcze taki zaraz po uruchomieniu
A Mod caused an error [ModException]
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'ColossalFramework.Steamworks.Achievement' from assembly 'ColossalManaged, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
at EntryData.GenerateData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0