03-06-2020, 15:07
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 03-06-2020, 15:08 przez sebol.)
Od pewnego czasu (sam nawet nie pamiętam od kiedy) mam problem z oświetleniem ulic. Mianowicie w nocy nie świecą się latarnie, ale tylko te, które "tworzą" się podczas budowy ulic. Obiekt jest, ale nie świeci. Każda inna działa poprawnie. podejrzewam, że to wina jakiegoś moda, tylko nie za bardzo wiem którego, a że mam ich chyba za dużo to nie chce sprawdzać wyłączając każdy z osobna
Ktoś się z tym spotkał?
Spróbuj wejść w opcje uruchamiania i dopisać -force-d3d9
(03-06-2020, 15:58)tomzizek napisał(a): Spróbuj wejść w opcje uruchamiania i dopisać -force-d3d9 Niestety nic
03-06-2020, 17:18
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 03-06-2020, 17:24 przez SZyMeX.)
Zapytam o coś bardzo prozaicznego.. :P Czy masz w ogóle latarnie przy tych drogach? Jeżeli korzystasz z network skins to być może kiedyś usunąłeś latarnie z danego rodzaju drogi i już ich nie dodałeś z powrotem?
Jeżeli nie w tym problem, to zacznij od aktualizacji sterowników itp. Możesz też dać tutaj listę modyfikacji.
03-06-2020, 17:49
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 03-06-2020, 18:10 przez sebol.)
Zapytam o coś bardzo prozaicznego.. :P Czy masz w ogóle latarnie przy tych drogach? Jeżeli korzystasz z network skins to być może kiedyś usunąłeś latarnie z danego rodzaju drogi i już ich nie dodałeś z powrotem?
Jeżeli nie w tym problem, to zacznij od aktualizacji sterowników itp. Możesz też dać tutaj listę modyfikacji.
Nie zmieniałem nic w network skins, obiekt latarni stoi przy drodze, ale nie świeci.Sterowniki są aktualne a lista modów poniżej
+ te, których nie ma w opcjach (nie umiem inaczej ich spisać  )
Tak to teraz wygląda po wyłączeniu network skins
Menedżer treści - modyfikacje, te które masz tutaj to tylko te mody które mają własne opcje, a jest ich i tak masa :P
Sprawdź czy z wyłączonymi wszystkimi modyfikacjami (najlepiej poprzez opcję uruchamiania --disableMods), na nowej mapie latarnie działają. Jeżeli tak, to znaczy że problem jest w którejś z modyfikacji. Sprawdź najpierw wszystkie te które mają coś związanego z drogami, np roads united, roads color changer itp. Porównaj też mody z tą listą: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...edit#gid=0 (również zakładka incompatible)
z wpisem -disableMods latarnie świecą. Szukam w czym tkwi problem
Widzę, że masz Auto Repair Mod. Czy w logu nie ma informacji o jakimś problemie?
(03-06-2020, 19:27)tomzizek napisał(a): Widzę, że masz Auto Repair Mod. Czy w logu nie ma informacji o jakimś problemie? Kod: [1 repeat(s)]
AutoRepair v0.0.0.0
Catalog Opened
Catalog initialisation took 7ms
General Announcements:
* Parallel Road Tool updated; is now compatible with Fine Road Tool.
Things to know about mods:
* Disabled mods are often still loaded; always unsubscribe mods you're not using!
* Mods that do the same thing are generally incompatible.
* For modded games, always exit to desktop before loading another city.
* After disabling/unsubscribing mods, always exit to desktop to flush them from RAM
* Save game not loading? Subscribe Loading Screen Mod,
enable it's sharing/optimisation and safe mode options, then load your save:
Loaded 1143 Review Descriptors.
[ID: 0] "Hard Mode":
- Local/bundled mods not scanned.
[ID: 0] "Unlimited Money":
- Local/bundled mods not scanned.
[ID: 0] "Unlimited Oil And Ore":
- Local/bundled mods not scanned.
[ID: 0] "Unlimited Soil":
- Local/bundled mods not scanned.
[ID: 0] "Unlock All":
- Local/bundled mods not scanned.
[ID: 1274199764] "Network Tiling":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Probably compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 ?
- Asset creators, see: https://gist.github.com/ronyx69/db4e7c41fe80020e31d9bd2e1e1196f8
[ID: 814903880] "Tree Fire Control":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Probably compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 ?
- Mod seems (or is) abandonned; future updates are unlikely.
- Can cause performance issues (lag or framerate drop in-game).
- Some users experienced problems; check workshop page/comments for details.
- May cause in-game lag if there are huge numbers of trees in your city.
- The game now has a built-in option to control fire spreading that might be better alternative to this mod.
- If you want to turn building fires off, try 'No Fires' mod or 'No Park Building Fires' mod.
[ID: 523818382] "Force Level Up":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Probably compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 ?
- Minor isuses: [ID: 1420955187] "Real Time"
[ID: 634913093] "Elevated Stops Enabler":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 409776678] "Demand Master":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 572888650] "Remove Need For Power Lines":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 1721492498] "Optimised Outside Connections":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 538019888] "Spawn/Unspawn Positions Swapper":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 932192868] "Road Colors Changer ++":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Can increase time taken to load save games.
- Incompatible: [ID: 1758376843] "Network Skins 2"
- Incompatible: [ID: 633547552] "Roads United Core 2.0"
- Minor isuses: [ID: 427258853] "Pedestrian Crossings"
- [Mod: Crossings] Compatible; but crossing decals won't appear if removed with Road Options mod.
- Suitable alternative: [ID: 1758376843] "Network Skins 2"
[ID: 922939393] "Transparency LOD Fix + Cloud Assets Enabler":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Can cause performance issues (lag or framerate drop in-game).
- May cause lag on older computers or graphics cards due to increased rendering workload.
[ID: 707497031] "Tram Station Track":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 1369729955] "Customize It!":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Broken by the Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f7 update.
- Mod seems (or is) abandonned; future updates are unlikely.
- Incompatible: [ID: 1562650024] "Rebalanced Industries"
- Suitable alternative: [ID: 1806759255] "Customize It Extended"
[ID: 1388613752] "Tree Movement Control":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Incompatible: [ID: 556784825] "Random Tree Rotation"
[ID: 1552053911] "Trailer Variation Loader":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Can increase time taken to load save games.
- (Users) It might increase game loading time if you have lots of vehicles.
- (Creators) Do NOT use additive shader on submeshes with non-zero variation mask.
[ID: 1556715327] "Show It!":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 564141599] "No Seagulls":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 924884948] "Plop Growables":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Minor isuses: [ID: 1420955187] "Real Time"
- It won't work until you enable: [ID: 837734529] "Find It! 1.5.4"
[ID: 881291183] "Ploppable Asphalt":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- It won't work until you enable: [ID: 1619685021] "Move It 2.7.2"
- It won't work until you enable: [ID: 837734529] "Find It! 1.5.4"
- Users: Recommended asset collection: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1258162457
- Asset creators, see: https://cslmodding.info/mod/ploppable-asphalt/
- Asset creators, also see: https://gist.github.com/ronyx69/2f4b08a45f3a14c585597c848a594150
[ID: 654707599] "WG Citizen Lifecycle Rebalance v2.6":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Probably compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 ?
- Mod seems (or is) abandonned; future updates are unlikely.
- Suitable alternative: [ID: 2027161563] "Lifecycle Rebalance Revisited"
[ID: 791221322] "Prop Precision 1.0.1":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Mod seems (or is) abandonned; future updates are unlikely.
[ID: 793176674] "Sharp Textures":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 407873631] "Automatic Emptying":
- Broken by the Cities: Skylines 1.6.0-f4 update.
- Mod seems (or is) abandonned; future updates are unlikely.
- Can cause performance issues (lag or framerate drop in-game).
- Some users experienced problems; check workshop page/comments for details.
- Unreliable, sometimes doesn't work, other times causes lots of lag, doesn't empty snow dumps.
- Replace with: [ID: 1661072176] "Empty It!"
[ID: 724382534] "One-Way Train Tracks":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Alters the save game; without it, the savegame might break.
- Vanilla game now includes 1-way tracks since 1.7 (Mass Transit) update. The tracks in this mod are slightly narrower with custom pillars.
- To remove this mod from existing saves, see: https://github.com/CitiesSkylinesMods/TMPE/wiki/How-to-remove-workshop-networks
[ID: 563229150] "Advanced Toolbar":
- Probably compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 ?
[ID: 666425898] "No Radioactive Desert And More!":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 463845891] "No Pillars":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 689937287] "Surface Painter":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Some users experienced problems; check workshop page/comments for details.
- Minor isuses: [ID: 576327847] "81 Tiles (Fixed for C:S 1.2+)"
- It won't work until you enable: [ID: 502750307] "Extra Landscaping Tools"
- Sunset Harbor: Users reporting 'Array index is out of range' errors - but might be mod conflict.
- Sunset Harbor: Users reporting that the painted textures look strange - might be Procedural Objects mod?
- [Mod: Ultimate Eye Candy] May cause Surface Painer customisations to reset (unconfirmed reports).
- [Mod: 81 Tiles] Surface Painter customisations sometimes reset if 81 Tiles active - might be due to Ultimate Eye Candy mod?
[ID: 820157360] "Spawn Points Fix":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- (Asset creators) You can edit spawn points with 'Advanced Buildings Editor' mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=790347696
- [Mod: Metro Overhaul Mod] Both mods have spawn point fix; 'Spawn Points Fix' mod will deactivate if MOM is active.
[ID: 497033453] "UnlimitedOutsideConnections":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 1393452031] "Parkify r1.0.3":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- [DLC: Park Life] Converts some vanilla game unique buildings in to Park Life park buildings.
- [DLC: After Dark] Also adds missing boats to the Marina and Fishing Tours buildings.
[ID: 1546357276] "Industries Vehicle Converter":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Probably compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 ?
- Installation: Enable Prefab Hook and Industries Vehicle Converter, then exit to desktop and restart game.
- Default postal vehicle conversions: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/1546357276/1732090362062857499/
- Default cargo plane conversions: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/1546357276/1732090362062870068/
- Vehicles will revert to their normal state if the mod is removed.
[ID: 1394468624] "Advanced Stop Selection":
- Probably compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 ?
[ID: 639486063] "Automatic Bulldoze v2":
- Broken by the Cities: Skylines 1.12.0-f-1 update.
- Mod seems (or is) abandonned; future updates are unlikely.
- Some users experienced problems; check workshop page/comments for details.
- Campus: Users report it stopped working after Campus game update.
- Suitable alternative: [ID: 2057780822] "Automatic Bulldoze v3"
[ID: 426163185] "WG Realistic Population v8.4.0":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Probably compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 ?
- Mod seems (or is) abandonned; future updates are unlikely.
- Replace with: [ID: 2025147082] "Realistic Population revisited"
[ID: 523824395] "Clouds & Fog Toggler":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 767233815] "Decal Prop Fix":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Decal collections: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/767233815/343787283746289706/
- Asset creation guide: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/767233815/343787283746272981/
- Decal shader guide: https://cslmodding.info/shader/decal/
[ID: 455403039] "Unlimited Trees Mod":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Can cause performance issues (lag or framerate drop in-game).
- May cause lag on older computers or old graphics cards (although game is highly optimised for distant trees). May increase RAM consumption.
[ID: 556784825] "Random Tree Rotation":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Incompatible: [ID: 1388613752] "Tree Movement Control"
- Suitable alternative: [ID: 1388613752] "Tree Movement Control"
[ID: 694512541] "Prop Line Tool":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 502750307] "Extra Landscaping Tools":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Minor isuses: [ID: 837734529] "Find It! 1.5.4"
- How to add custom brushes: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/502750307/451850020334416645/
- [Mod: Find It!] To ensure compatibility, disable 'Enhance all panels' option in Find It mod options.
[ID: 445589127] "Precision Engineering":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Mod seems (or is) abandonned; future updates are unlikely.
- Hold Ctrl while placing roads/rails to enable angle snapping (5 degree increments).
- Hold Alt while placing roads/rails to enable snapping to guidelines.
- Hold Shift while placing roads/rails to show additional information.
- Suitable alternative: [ID: 2083188521] "Precision Engineering 2.0"
[ID: 417965096] "Better bulldoze Tool":
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 787611845] "Prop Snapping":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- It won't work until you enable: [ID: 593588108] "Prop & Tree Anarchy"
[ID: 593588108] "Prop & Tree Anarchy":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 837734529] "Find It! 1.5.4":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Mod seems (or is) abandonned; future updates are unlikely.
- Can increase time taken to load save games.
- Minor issues - check workshop page/comments for details.
- Minor isuses: [ID: 502750307] "Extra Landscaping Tools"
- This mod generates asset thumbnails at end of loading screen; if you are very low on RAM, it may cause game to crash.
- [DLC: Green Cities] The filters don't include eco buildings, but you can search for 'eco' to find them.
- [DLC: Industries] The filters don't include some industry buidings, but you can still search for them by name.
- [DLC: Campus] The filters don't include some campus buidings, but you can still search for them by name.
- [DLC: Sunset Harbor] The filters don't include some fishing buidings, but you can still search for them by name.
- [Mod: Extra Landscaping Tools] To ensure compatibility, disable 'Enhance all panels' option in Find It mod options.
[ID: 530871278] "Daylight Classic":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 1890830956] "Undo It!":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Minor isuses: [ID: 1677913611] "Smart Intersection Builder"
- Minor isuses: [ID: 1625704117] "Roundabout Builder"
- Minor isuses: [ID: 1619685021] "Move It 2.7.2"
- Minor isuses: [ID: 694512541] "Prop Line Tool"
- [Mod: Smart Intersection Builder] Can't undo intersections made with Smart Intersection Builder (use it's own undo tool instead).
- [Mod: Roundabout Builder] Can't undo roundabouts made with Roundabout Builder (use it's own undo tool instead).
- [Mod: Move It] Can't undo changes made by Move It (use it's own undo tool instead).
- [Mod: Prop Line Tool] Can't undo props placed with Prop Line Tool.
[ID: 812107110] "Less Steam":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 1903967441] "Building Theme: European Suburbia Decorated":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Probably compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 ?
- It won't work until you enable: [ID: 466158459] "Building Themes"
[ID: 466158459] "Building Themes":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 586012417] "Ploppable RICO":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Broken by the Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f7 update.
- Breaks content editors; before using editors, disable it and exit to desktop to flush it from RAM.
- Mod seems (or is) abandonned; future updates are unlikely.
- Minor isuses: [ID: 1420955187] "Real Time"
- Sunset Harbor: Causes residential buildings to have 0/0 households, collapsing your economy.
- Replace with: [ID: 2016920607] "Ploppable RICO revisited"
[ID: 633547552] "Roads United Core 2.0":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Mod seems (or is) abandonned; future updates are unlikely.
- Can increase time taken to load save games.
- Minor isuses: [ID: 1806963141] "TM:PE 11.5.0 LABS"
- Incompatible: [ID: 932192868] "Road Colors Changer ++"
- Author stated further development is unlikely. The mod sometimes causes problems with road colors.
- Consider using normal road assets instead; 'Loading Screen Mod' can often reduce their RAM usage.
- Road skin template: https://github.com/Killface1980/RoadsUnited_Custom_Theme_Template
- [Mod: TM:PE] Minor issues - see: https://github.com/CitiesSkylinesMods/TMPE/wiki/Roads-United-Core
[ID: 1415090282] "AutoLineColor Redux":
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 1844440354] "Klyte's Fine Road Anarchy 2.0.2":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 1612012531] "Net Picker":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 725555912] "Infinite Goods":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 795514116] "Train Converter":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Now works with vanilla game - no DLC required!
- Installation: Enable Prefab Hook and Train Converter, then exit to desktop and restart game.
- Default train conversions: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/795514116/276237094327064093/
- Trains will revert to their normal state if the mod is removed.
[ID: 1844442251] "Klyte's Fine Road Tool 2.0.4":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- It won't work until you enable: [ID: 1844440354] "Klyte's Fine Road Anarchy 2.0.2"
[ID: 934994075] "Service Vehicle Selector 2 (r5.0.1)":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Incompatible: [ID: 871859856] "RiverCargoHarborMod 1.0"
[ID: 512314255] "More Network Stuff":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 515489008] "Extra Train Station Tracks":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 1562650024] "Rebalanced Industries":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Incompatible: [ID: 1369729955] "Customize It!"
[ID: 1645781000] "Elektrix's Road Tools":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 530771650] "Prefab Hook":
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 928128676] "Improved Public Transport 2 [r5.0.3]":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 650436109] "Quay Anarchy":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 427258853] "Pedestrian Crossings":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Incompatible: [ID: 1934023593] "RM Crossings 3.0 "
- Minor isuses: [ID: 932192868] "Road Colors Changer ++"
- Minor isuses: [ID: 812125426] "Network Extensions 2"
- [Mod: Road Options / Color Changer] The mods are compatible, but crossing decals won't appear if removed with Road Options mod.
- [Mod: Network Extensions] Sometimes causes double crossings to appear.
- Suitable alternative: [ID: 1934023593] "Hide TMPE crosswalks V2.5 [BETA]"
[ID: 576327847] "81 Tiles (Fixed for C:S 1.2+)":
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Can cause performance issues (lag or framerate drop in-game).
- Minor issues - check workshop page/comments for details.
- Alters the save game; without it, the savegame might break.
- Minor isuses: [ID: 463845891] "No Pillars"
- Minor isuses: [ID: 689937287] "Surface Painter"
- IMPORTANT: If your save game became corrupt due to Sunset Harbor update, use the recovery mode in 81 Tiles mod options.
- After loading a save, terrain may look distorted but should quickly return to normal.
- Dams cause tsunamis if placed outside central 25 tile area.
- Disasters and evacuation don't work properly outside central 25 tile area.
- [Mod: Surface Painter] Customisations sometimes reset if used outside of central 25 tile area.
- [Mod: No Pillars] Customisations sometimes reset outside of central 25 tile area.
[ID: 667342976] "Loading Screen Mod":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- To fix broken savegames: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/667342976/1626286205707786286/
- Find & fix broken/bloated assets: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1846793796
- Asset creators, see: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/667342976/1636416951459546732
- More guides here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/discussions/667342976
[ID: 1677913611] "Smart Intersection Builder":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Minor isuses: [ID: 1890830956] "Undo It!"
- It won't work until you enable: [ID: 1844440354] "Klyte's Fine Road Anarchy 2.0.2"
- [Mod: Undo It!] Doesn't undo roundabouts. Use the undo feature of Smart Intersections instead.
[ID: 812125426] "Network Extensions 2":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Can increase time taken to load save games.
- Alters the save game; without it, the savegame might break.
- Minor isuses: [ID: 427258853] "Pedestrian Crossings"
- If you have broken saves after removing this mod, see: https://github.com/CitiesSkylinesMods/TMPE/wiki/How-to-remove-workshop-networks
- [Mod: Crossings] Double crossings will sometimes appear on NExt2 roads.
[ID: 458519223] "Unlock All + Wonders & Landmarks":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 1776052533] "Stops and Stations":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 1435741602] "Snooper":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 1420955187] "Real Time":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Minor isuses: [ID: 672248733] "Ultimate Eyecandy 1.5.2"
- Minor isuses: [ID: 924884948] "Plop Growables"
- Minor isuses: [ID: 586012417] "Ploppable RICO"
- Minor isuses: [ID: 523818382] "Force Level Up"
- The 'Better citizen aging' option has a big influence on how education works.
- [Mod: Plop the Growables] If plopped buildings disappear, set 'Construction speed' to 100% in Real Time.
- [Mod: Ultimate Eye Candy] Game will pause when you change time, time will revert when game unpaused.
- [Mod: Ploppable RICO] Old versions of the mod sometimes report zero construction time which crashes Real Time.
[ID: 1758376843] "Network Skins 2":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Incompatible: [ID: 932192868] "Road Colors Changer ++"
[ID: 2019097300] "RM Unconnected Tracks ":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- It won't work until you enable: [ID: 1806963141] "TM:PE 11.5.0 LABS"
[ID: 1938493221] "Mini FPS Booster 1.0":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 949504539] "SingleTrainTrackAI":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Probably compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 ?
- Minor isuses: [ID: 1806963141] "TM:PE 11.5.0 LABS"
- [Mod: TM:PE] SingleTrainTrackAI breaks TM:PE rail junction customisations (traffic lights, priority signs, etc).
[ID: 1934023593] "RM Crossings 3.0 ":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Can increase time taken to load save games.
- Minor issues - check workshop page/comments for details.
- Incompatible: [ID: 427258853] "Pedestrian Crossings"
- Can use lots of RAM if you have lots of different roads that have crossings removed.
- [Railway Replacer] and [Catenary Replacer] mods are suspected to be incompatible.
[ID: 2071210858] "[BETA] Quay Upgrade Tool 0.2.1-dev":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 871859856] "RiverCargoHarborMod 1.0":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Probably compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 ?
- Mod seems (or is) abandonned; future updates are unlikely.
- Incompatible: [ID: 934994075] "Service Vehicle Selector 2 (r5.0.1)"
- Any cargo harbor with 'River' in the asset name will be converted to a 'river cargo harbor'.
- Any cargo ships with 'River' in the asset name will be converted to a 'river cargo ship'.
- Any cargo delivered to, or exported from, a 'river cargo harbor' will use a 'river cargo ship'.
- Collection of some assets for this mod: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=862755837
[ID: 639833119] "Ship Line Tool 1.1.0":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 707759735] "Ship Path Anarchy":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 1658679290] "Forest Brush":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 2065380745] "Metro Replacer":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Incompatible: [ID: 816260433] "Metro Overhaul"
- Compatible assets: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2065610088
- User guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1843406895
- [Mod: Metro Overhaul Mod] Both mods replace station tracks making them technically incompatible.
[ID: 1530376523] "Railway Replacer":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Minor isuses: [ID: 816260433] "Metro Overhaul"
- Press Shift + Alt + P to show the railway props settings window.
- User guide and related assets: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1569088356
- [Mod: Metro Overhaul Mod] The Railway Replacer UI might sometimes appear on MOM stations.
[ID: 559172768] "Emergency Lights Changer":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Suitable alternative: [ID: 2053661585] "Emergency Lights Manager V2"
[ID: 1480332470] "V10Siren":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- It won't work until you enable: [ID: 818641631] "Ambient Sounds Tuner"
[ID: 818641631] "Ambient Sounds Tuner":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Documentation: https://github.com/Archomeda/csl-ambient-sounds-tuner/wiki
[ID: 1689984220] "Electric Roads Mod 2.1":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- This mod has not been reviewed yet.
[ID: 2055465280] "Extended Error Reporting":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 2034713132] "Auto Repair":
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 2085018096] "Node Spacer":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- It won't work until you enable: [ID: 1844442251] "Klyte's Fine Road Tool 2.0.4"
[ID: 1548831935] "Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.4":
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- May show error first time you load a city, but after that it will work fine.
- User guide: https://github.com/CityGecko/CS-AdvancedVehicleOptions/wiki
- [Mod: Improved Public Transport 2] AVO will automatically disable conflicting options to ensure compatibility.
[ID: 1806963141] "TM:PE 11.5.0 LABS":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Can cause performance issues (lag or framerate drop in-game).
- Minor issues - check workshop page/comments for details.
- Minor isuses: [ID: 949504539] "SingleTrainTrackAI"
- Minor isuses: [ID: 633547552] "Roads United Core 2.0"
- Troubleshooting guide: https://github.com/CitiesSkylinesMods/TMPE/wiki/Troubleshooting
- Vehicles despawning after altering roads? Use Broken Nodes Detector: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1777173984
- Setting 'Simulation Accuracy' to lower value will reduce lag (but impair junction customisations).
- Sunset Harbor: Updated, but might be some issues with pedestrian pathfinding (investigating).
- [Mod: CSM - Cities Skylines Multiplayer] Some users report it's incompatible with TM:PE
- [SingleTrainTrackAI] Breaks rail junction customisations (traffic lights, priority signs, etc): https://github.com/CitiesSkylinesMods/TMPE/issues/787
- [Mod: Roads United Core 2.0] Minor issues - see: https://github.com/CitiesSkylinesMods/TMPE/wiki/Roads-United-Core
[ID: 2040656402] "Harmony 2.0.1":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- This is a dependency for multiple mods, do not remove.
[ID: 1619685021] "Move It 2.7.2":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Minor isuses: [ID: 1890830956] "Undo It!"
- User guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1999726060
[ID: 1393797695] "Touch This! Tool 4":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 1625704117] "Roundabout Builder":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Minor isuses: [ID: 1890830956] "Undo It!"
- It won't work until you enable: [ID: 1844440354] "Klyte's Fine Road Anarchy 2.0.2"
- [Mod: Undo It!] Doesn't undo roundabouts. Use undo feature of Roundabout Builder instead.
[ID: 1706703944] "More Outside Interaction":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
[ID: 816260433] "Metro Overhaul":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 :)
- Can increase time taken to load save games.
- Some users experienced problems; check workshop page/comments for details.
- Incompatible: [ID: 2065380745] "Metro Replacer"
- Minor isuses: [ID: 1530376523] "Railway Replacer"
- It won't work without: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=816325876
- User guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1802098189
- Collection of required items: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1798577756
- Users report 'Array Index' bug: https://github.com/bloodypenguin/Skylines-MetroOverhaulMod/issues/29
- [Mod: Metro Replacer] Both mods replace station tracks making them technically incompatible.
- [Mod: Railway Replacer] The Railway Replacer UI might sometimes appear on MOM stations.
[ID: 672248733] "Ultimate Eyecandy 1.5.2":
- It is disabled; if not using it, it should be unsubscribed.
- Probably compatible with Cities: Skylines 1.13.0-f8 ?
- Breaks content editors; before using editors, disable it and exit to desktop to flush it from RAM.
Oudated information? Please let us know! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2034713132
Did it help? Please rate/comment the Mod Compatibility Checker in the workshop to help others find it (:
Scanned 103 item(s) in 7ms
Catalog Closed
03-06-2020, 19:42
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 03-06-2020, 19:43 przez tomzizek.)
Road Colors Changer ++, Roads United Core 2.0, Network Skins 2, RM Crossings 3.0 . Te mody mogą być niekompatybilne.